
The Suki Saga ~ Chapter 2. The Wave of Rage

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Suki was in the lavay world otherwise known as the Ifrit dimension. She gazed up lazily into the atmosphere that covered this strange dimension imparted from among the others. So many grey, and purple clouds. She thought. It was like they had forsaken a kind of purity to be bestowed with a greater power than light could ever veil. And even now that choice was evident in the earth beneath them. Charred rocks and vacant obsidian. Twisted, darkened   which appeared to raise out of the depths. And an ocean of lava, only travelable by hoping across odd plates, and islands marking the sea. Suki had trouble breathing with all the fumes- not smoke. Anything burnable had been eaten by the monstrous heat ages ago. All that was left, and still distinguishable could be found at the heart of giant cities. Still floating on their islands amongst the lava that threatened to destroy everything.

Suki remembered all the rumors about this place. About how it was said to be a cursed placed housing a monster made after it's name. Some said it was an older, alternate timeline, of which held people and plant life, but was destroyed by the monster and this was all that was left.

Suki mangled with these thoughts.

But true. Ifrit had been destroyed! Bizarrely, apparently by none other than Dr. Eggman Nega! But why would he do that? She had heard the rumors. Everyone was talking about it. But could it really be true?

. . .

Nah, more likely Nega tried to use Ifrit and it backfired. Probably destroying itself or something like that. Nega certainly wanted to take over the Sol Dimension, but it often seemed he was more likely to destroy it. . .

Oh well. Suki's thoughts continued to wander as she walked through the demeaning valley. Nothing much to be seen. Lava here, lava there. Black rocks and other stuff. It didn't make much sense how a dream crown piece ended up here, but did any of them?

Most were scattered in the Sol dimension. Michad had traded for at least one of them, but the rest were a lot harder to find. The dream crown was said to unlock special powers for whoever wore it. It may even be used to gain access once again to another world- the Somnus dimension. There it's powers could be used to it's fullest. And perhaps used to make a habitable place in that realm. Suki's ancestors left that forbidden world long ago in order to escape a great beast known as the Somnus Spirit. They first wondered in earth before they finally rested in the SOL dimension. The Latise was a government set up by them. One that passed down the legacy of the Dream crown and the Somnus dimension. A place where all others thoughts could be read and channeled. Even Suki's ancestors had the sole responsibility to guard that world and maintain balance in the others. That chaos did not consume them. If Suki could one day come into that mythical world, that day would be a dream come true. It was said anything could be done there. Ships, and buildings, forests and trees. All raised with the power of the mind. It was an amazing place that provided much prosperity. But the dream crown was needed to return to it.

Suki stopped gazing outward for a moment to catch sight of what the commander was doing. Still nothing important. But all's well. It would give her a bit more time to think before they arrived to a point at which they had to do something.

Ahh, what to do? If only Chryssy were here! Then she'd have someone to talk to!

. . .

But that was denoted. Wishing Chryssy were here wouldn't make her come. She was more of a mechanic, and not much use on this campaign.

Hang on Chyssy. I'll bring it back. Just you and all the other's wait. That crown'll be assembled in no time. She thought confidently.


Suki heard one of her comrades yell. Something was up. A conversation was starting. It appeared Jake was looking down over a wide, lava fall. Marking out a path in his mind. Apparently they had to find a safe way down. The lava fall wasn't very tall mind you, only a mere 100 feet in comparison to a staggering 2,000 feet wide total. What kind of table shifting even had made this even possible geographically?

"Suki, get over here!" Jake commanded in a more playful way. Jake wasn't upset, just interested. No spite was found in his voice, instead it was enthusiasm. Perhaps they were getting close to the crown shard. And Suki could now be of use.

"Yeah?" Suki asked cheerily as she walked up. Jake had something of a smirk on his face as he put down the binoculars.

The bird was a crow, but he looked more like a Hawk. Jake didn't have a corny sense of humor, he was a level headed guy. But not much to show for it. He wore a black uniform like Suki's, only red marks were on it instead of yellow. This denotating his class.

The choice weapon of the Latise was the bowan. A weapon most mobians found malleable to their already high acrobatic talents. It was like a boomerang, 2 and 1/2 feet tall, with glowing edges radiating with energy. Increasing it's forefront might. But a handle for grabbing protruded from the inside angle of the weapon. Making it easily handleable and useful for stabbing. It acted very much like a normal, oversized boomerang would. And it was cybernetically linked to either the right of left glove of it's user. Always returning.

Jake was a good commander. And one Suki appreciated. She thought he deserved it, although not so much the purple duck who often gave her trouble, and whose wisecracks Jake often laughed at and made fun of. It was an. . . interesting relationship between him and his captain.

"I need you to seek the Dream Crown now. We're in the zone it was last detected in. Do you feel anything?" He asked precariously.

"Hmmmm. . . not yet I. . . ." Suki stopped. He eyes shut tight. Maybe she did feel something.

Head low. Excitement boiling. Suki could feel something was nearby, but it was deep. So much deeper. Deeper than the lava. Well. Jake would like to hear that. Whatever it meant, it could mean there were passages under the lava, or that the holder was somehow amphibious. Either way, she had to tell him.

"I think it's. . . " Suki stopped. For a moment, she saw the face of a lavay creature appear inside her head. It was menacing with it's yellowy eyes and magma skin. It looked like an echidna, but not like the one they were all screened earlier.

"Ah!" Suki was shocked. Where did that come from? Hadn't something like this happened before? Back on Tanoa? The one who had the part of the crown. His face appeared to her?

". . . . Suki?" Jake aske precariously once again. She was acting weird. a bit weirder that usual when doing this. He wanted to know if something was up, but Suki's voice rescued him from that matter.

"I'm fine." She concluded. "It's just. . . the person. . ." She started. ". . . . The person who has it is underground." She confided.

"Blast." Jake spouted. He just kindof shook his head at the comment. It wasn't going to make things easier.

"Send me to scout it out." Narabot's voice came forward.

"How're you gonna scout it out? You can't sense it." Jake responded pessimistically.

"Process of elimination." Narabot proceeded. "If you want to find a passage underground to reach the target, you had better start out now."

"Already on it bot boy." Jake smiled as he pulled out some binoculars and looked down into the abys.

_bot boy?

"There we are." Jake spotted several entrances under ground through the lava fall. Exposed holes that one might enter in order to reach such underground passages. Jake confirmed them with his geoscanner. A device built into a command pad on his arm.

"We go through there." Jake pointed at an entrance on the far side of the lava fall.

Once inside, having moved for a while through the cave. Jake made note of the strange markings on the inside. There were occasional areas at which the troop met with rooms and even parts of an underground fortress like structure. Whoever made these perhaps loved living under the ground. The answer to their questions regarding these infrastructures may soon be answered.

"Any idea where we should be going?" Jake asked gruffly. It had been a while since Suki had said anything and it was as if they had been wondering. Their troop consisted of only 40 or so units. Some of white gizoids but most of them flesh and blood mobians. Trained to use various weapons such as the Bowan, or even blasters.

"I. . . have no idea." Suki faltered.

"Bah!" Jake got upset. "Lemme see here. . ." He pulled out his geo scanning device.

"Hey Narabot." He commanded. "You got a program I can hook up to the inside of you to boost this things scanning power?"

". . . . . . . No." Was Narabots answer.

"Oh come on! What kind of robot are you?" Jake scolded.

"A good one." Narabot replied.

"riiiiiiiiiiiiiight" Jake answered sarcastically as he rolled over toward's Suki's direction.

"Well." He started. "I guess you're our only way to know for now." He breathed. "I know how to get us out of here, but if you've lost you sensing of it, then there's no use." He kindof frowned.

Jake wasn't upset with Suki, but he was in charge, and if something went wrong, he would likly get the blunt end things in their report. Still he was willing to make the wiser decision for everyone else's sake.

"Oh, come on! Don't give up that easily." Kirden scolded. It was Jake's captain. The same purple duck from earlier. Always wearing sunglasses as if it was something awesome. It made the dorkiness of him go away. Just a bit. . .

"I have not choice. If we can't find it, we can't find it. How long has it been now since the last reading?" Jake pondered.

"20 minutes" Narabot input. "Unless Suki was in touch with it for moments after she last spoke.

"Not really more than 5. . ." Suki added, unsure of what to do with herself. She just kindof stopped there thinking about what could have happened. Where the crown part might have gone. It was odd, she sensed it so strongly earlier, but it was like. . . . something was messing with her. Like. . . she sensed something else. Hot, and fiery. But alive. Filled with vengeance. The face of the same echidna appeared from earlier. His words whispered into her heart.

"You want it, don't you. . . . . "

*clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp. . . .*

"What's that?" Kirden asked.

"Someone's coming. Looks like it may be an ambush!" Jake commented as he lit up his bowan and stepped forward. A grin might be seen on his face as the caves lit up and a platoon of fire echidnas, looking just like the one in the picture taken by the white giziod.


The enemy platoon stopped 20 feet away from Suki's platoon.

"Who are you!?" Jake lunged his blade forward as if to point dramatically at them. "Who's your leader. Why do you fight against us?"

. . .

No answer came from the enemy. They looked forward. It appeared as if they were breathing even if they didn't need too. Jake's smile started to turn to a frown as no response came. It was imminent. These were monsters. Mindless ones. He began to wonder just how good these guys were at fighting.

"They won't answer you. They aren't allowed too." A voice came from above.

Jake and the others looked up. A single caped, lava echidna was leaning against the wall. His position however, much higher than their own. On some upper cliff in this dark passage lit by nothing other than torches and the subtle glow of the weapons and lava.

"Who are you? Jake asked looking up. A little more wary, and a lot less cocky. He didn't want to get everyone killed here. And had to stay on guard.

"I. . . ." The creature began. ceasing his gaze from the ground and turning to face his challenger. "Am Agaut. But my name is not remembered by those against me. They perish before they can report. What are you doing in our realm. . . ?"

"We're. . . . looking for something." Jake started to respond. The echidna above he monitored. Apparently he had a staff of sorts. Not that it would do him any good. . . Jake wondered how he planned to use it. . .

"You won't find it." Agaut replied. And with that, he span around. His troops below began marching in on them.

"SUKI!" Jake yelled as he charged forward. "DID YOU SENSE IT ON HIM!?" He asked regarding the ever important artifact that looked like it might mean the end for them.

"NO!" Suki yelled back as she got in position to help her allies."

They clashed. Bowans launched, and gns fired. Lava beams traversed the caverns and war ensued. Jake taking the lead with assistance from Narabot not far behind. Jake was amazing at using his weapon to cut down enemy ranks. Suki assisted from behind with her phykonetic powers.

All in all, the battle sped along, Soon Suki found herself segregated form the rest of the group as more and more allies took less offensive, and more defensive positions. The enemy wouldn't fall. And Jake knew it.

Suki, consumed in the fighting, not noticing that which was going on, continued to lift, and throw enemies away. Watching them bounce amongst the floor and new foes taking their place. One lunged at her, but before she could grab the jumping offender, Narabot swooped in and picked her up. Automatically to her dismay.

"Narabot!" Suki complained.

"Objective override. order 135. Segregational retreat. Enemy forces are too numerous to be contained. Now entering recessive strategy." Narabot stated roboticaly.

"WHAT?!" Suki yelled. Order 135? I don't remember that. . . order.

"135 is a variant of 32. More divisive rather than moving in a group. Strategy type: Completely recessive. Every man for himself. No defensive lines while providing cover fo those behind. Also not a sacrificial strategy." Narabot informed.

Suki remember that order 32 was one of the Basics that she had learned at training camp. Order 32 was the most basics of retreat tactics. 135 though, she had never heard of. In fact, she was only forced to lean the most important of tactics regarding order numbers. Most of them made her uncertain what her commander meant.

"We're. . . . losing?" She asked precariously.

"Yes Suki." Narabot responded. "We are to retreat and take refuge immediately after-"

Narabot flew up to avoid lava beams as Suki grabbed two of the perpetrators and threw them one round.

"- we find a safe place. Then we regroup with the rest of them."

With there geo scanners Suki thought as she was taken a ways from the action. Narabot, what have we gotten into?

It was about 20 minutes later of dividing that Suki and Narabot finally found peace from all the fighting. Suki had to ask just what they had stumbled upon, or who really. Nothing was really known about the natives to this place, just that they were here.

Suki was instructed to wait here a number of minutes to avoid being seen, or heard. Narabot scanned the area with various built in devices trying to pinpoint they friends and enemies. Finally he got a reading.

"Narabot." Jake's voice came across the intercom, and his face appeared on Narabot's wrist transmitter.

"Yes, it is me." The robot responded.

"Where are you?" Jake asked.

"My signature is cloaked." Narabot stated. "I wouldn't want to give you my sequence either just in case."

"Ha." Jake laughed. "As if these beings we are fighting can actually read that stuff."

"They may not be ghosts as I presume you are guessing they are." Narabot informed.

"What else would they be?" Jake joked. "They look just like lava, and don't way a word when we fight them. they appear as mindless spirits if you ask me, but that's my look at it." He stated.

"Okay." Narabot stated. "What do you have in mind for a plan?"

"Retreat and mission abort, there are too many of them."

"But Jake! I can sense it! The dream crown piece! It's nearby!" Suki cried trying to get involved.

"It's a no go Suki." Jake responded unfortunately. "I can't let this kindof of stuff to go wrong, or it's all on me. People's lives are dependent on it.

"But Jake! If we let them go now, they'll hid the crown piece from us and we'll never find it again. The holder. He's. . . . . " Suki stuttered a little bit as she said this next part as it migh come across wrongly, but she still had to say it.

". . . Gotten into my mind." She confides as if letting out a large breath. "And he knows that I'm after it! If these creatures know what we're here for, they could move it, and they know this world so much better than us, that if they hid it in another area far away from this place, we could never find it again. Please Jake, this could be our last chance, this isn't a dream crown piece buried in the sea never to be moved from where it stands. It's not just waiting there for us to pick it up.

"Suki, this is heavy. I don't. . . . go for all that heebie jeebie stuff you do in your mind."

"I know! And I'm not asking you to do it, but surely you realize how important it is now! Jake, I'm asking a loy of you, and I know you have a lot more experience than me, and I know that you can't call back a retreat once you order it, but please. If. . . . "

Suki bleakly remembers her dream last night. The dream crown piece being hammered into something odd.

". . . . . If I give you new information, you can change orders based on that, right?"

"Of course." Jake said. "I. . . . don't like taking advice from a girl, but if the girl is just giving me new information- As it is her job, I have no pr-"

"Great!" Suki said interrupting Jake's moment of subtle pride. "The dream crown piece. . . . I. . ."

Suki concentrates really hard. Finally, the results come into her. She knows exactly where it is.

"Here!" She points to a 3D map of the caves displaying friendly troops position.

"You're not far from it then." Jake remarked. I'll order everyone to take routes and regroup at your location- oh, hold on, I got another transmission." Jake pressed a button on his handheld to allow another guy into the mili chat. It was an orange hedgehog.

"Jake, I got trouble, they're finding us to easy."

"How's that?" Jake said, surprised that after a divisive retreat friendly groups were somehow being sought out and hunted.

"I dunno, but they're pinpointing us with ease, and attacking with concentrated groups. Only a few squads have been hit." The hedgehog stared. Suki looked at him through the intercom and recognized him as Ankle. Just another captain under Jake.

Jake seemed think about it quickly before making a response. He said something. Almost under his breath.

"This could work to our advantage."

*Ahem* Jake coughed. "If they're hunting you down, they have a ways of pinpointing you, then maybe we can lead them astray with a faulty game of cat and mouse." Jake stated.

"Brilliant of you to say that over the intercom which they are doubtlessly picking up." Narabot stated.

"We don't know that." Jake rebuttled calmly. "Suki." he addressed. "I have a plan now, and this had better work. I know you won't give me your location Narabot." He huffed. "But If I can have yours and you can tell me how far away dream crown piece is from you. Below, above, any direction. Then we can meet in the middle, and claim it."

"The dream crown piece is. . . " Suki concentrated once again. "Here." She pointed at a 3D map of the caverns.

"Why didn't you give Jake your coordinates?" Suki asked Narabot. It seemed to her that he just liked being a jerk. But as far as personality went, Suki could never be sure if Narabot was just. . . awkward because of a lack on information on how people worked. Or if it was because of some fiendish personality program Michad had installed just for the fun of it.

"No reason to confide information." Narabot replied. "If the enemy is listening to our communications then we may have already been compromised. Either way, the call has been made and we must continue on with our new objective."

"Okay." Suki answered. "If you say so. . . ."

The two walked through the caves for a period of time. Planning routes to reach on strange focal point which Suki said was near the dream crown piece's location. As they came closer to the point of interest, Suki noticed it was as if they had come into some buried, underground castle. The masonry was of a sand color, with red marks on the walls depicting various designs and even the culture of mobians Suki was unable to make out.

Finally, approaching a great opening in the cave, a hub where many different tunnels came together in one wide room. A bridge going from the end of each tunnel to the edge of the room, meeting at the brim of a great, mark ed door.

Suki looked up at them. They were made out of some kind of black metal, with white, and light brown carvings of these lava monsters, and. . . echidnas? There was something written at the bottom of the door that Suki couldn't read, above the inscription on the left side, one could see these loathsome creatures lying on the ground, some sticking their hands out in resistance to a light coming out of an emerald, a Sol emerald to be exact. Yet some of them looked like they were receiving the power into their hands like starving peasants gladly accepting life and other heavenly provisions from some holy aura that a priest may wield. The Sol Emerald was held by a figure who looked like Chaos, stepping out of a portal, but he wore something on his head, and had a necklace. Was that a. . . helmet. . .that he was wearing? On the right side of the picture were angry normal echidnas, with a mountain in the back ground. Certain Echinda's were standing up and shaking their fists, others where on the ground and also shielding the Sol emerald's power from their eyes. For some reason, there were three suns in the sky, each one taking up a different place on the door. One of these suns looked more like a full moon, it took up the left side of the sky overshadowing the lava monsters that they had been fighting. The normal sun was on the right and guarded the normal echidna's in their rage against the chaos like entity. But a blazing sun was in the middle, and it stood above the strange figure who held the Sol Emerald.

For he. . . .

was the master. . . .

"Hey!" Suki heard a voice from behind and the sounds of footsteps marching through the tunnels. It was Jake. And he had lead a group of infantry with him to this point as had been planned. Other groups came from the tunnels crossing their bridges to meet Suki and Narabot in front of the great doors. The time had come. And they were all ready to push forward. It wouldn't be long now. The end was near in sight. And Suki could feel dream crown peice just on the other side.

"Where are the others?" Narabot asked noticing the lack of soldiers who had come with them.

"Busy." Jake replied. He didn't sound happy as he said it either. "Buying us time so we can continue with the mission. I hope everything goes okay for them. Now lets go."

Suki looked upon the door one more time. Narabot turned to face it, and Suki could tell he was at least interested with the architecture. But enough was enough and the time was coming to finally go through. To grasp, and open the great doors to her uncertainty, and enter upon the other side.

"Are you ready?" The red faced being with the yellow eyes asked her in her mind.

"Yes" Suki spoke back as she got ready to open the doors.

Suki took a deep breath. She grabbed the doors with her psychokinesis and opened them wide.

They all entered inside and came into a kind of throne room. With three thrones at the end, upper catwalks, and light streaming in from the ceiling, which apparently had glass skylights keeping the lava out which otherwise provided light. The walls were a tan stone masonry color, and a few stained glass window and pictures added to the technique and flavor of this grand room. But what contained Suki's glance the most. . . was who sat in the throne, once all the other artistry of the room had been seen and read by her mind.

"You're. . . " Suki looked forward and saw another lavay figure. He looked like Chaos, but he had a black, obsidian skull with yellow and orange jelewed eyes as his "helmet's" eyes, and a necklace hung around his neck. A single white point point hung from the black rock-thread string, or whatever it was made up of. It was the one who had been communicating with her all this time and waiting for her to come here. Suki had never dealt with something like this. But what made her curious the most was the fact that he had access to her mind. Perhaps, he was like her. A descendant of the dream keepers.

"The Keeper. . ." He finished.

"The keeper?" Suki asked, unsure of what "The keeper" meant.

"Of this. . . Alternative . . ." He finishes.

"You are Maguas the Great." Narabot stated. "I have read your histories and lore. To fight one such as yourself." Narabot paused momentarily. "-would be an honor."

"It is. As it should be for all. . . " Maugus states. "You come here. But a reason, I have not heard from your lips." Maugus angles his head at this statement. But only slightly, and not 100% in a look of. . . aggression. . .

"It is for the better that it is not said." Narabot confided. He bent his knees a little bit and leaned forward. Just to ready for Maugus's first move. it wouldn't be long at this point before a fight as far as he could see.

"Hold on Narabot, Maybe we can cut a deal with him." Jake says. "It's not like he's the guy holding the reigns of force here. . . . " Jake informed as he looked over at the glowing monster.

. . . . .

. . . . .

". . . . . . eheh. . . " Maugus emits deeply as he gets up from his throne.

"We live down here. To attack soldiers who enter our domain is only fair- and right. I worked greatly to establish my kingdom, and it took many years. We have become more than just ghosts and shadows because of me. But now. . . .

. . .You will join us!" He finishes tilting his head down as he gazes into Jakes eyes.

"Correctly speculated. New plan, Suki! I take the front!" Narabot says as he run forward. Aiming to enter close combat and hoping to pin Maugus before any assualts can be made to them as a group.

Maugus grabs Narabot's arm as a counter to his opening blow. Throwing him aside. Maugus chuckles a little at Narabot wayward move as he approaches him. It wasn't often he was just rushed like that.

Maugus pulls a sword out of thin air- a black one, who's only odd color was that of a red jewel in the heart. Narabot analyzes the blade. It appears powerful, but not sharp. Energy readings spiked once Maugus had pulled it out. It apparently had supernatural powers and a high tolerance for heat. Something Narabot took note of, but no altering his approach much deal with it.

Narabot flips over Maugus and finally makes a large jab, but in an interception, Maugus slashes the robot and smashes him into the ground.

Seeing the danger Narabot is in. Jake commands the attack, and the front troops took on their call. Maugus, realizing the force in numbers opposing him, seizing the opportunity, lights his fist in great fire and slams the ground, causing fire to ripple out in every direction. The waves force everyone away, even Narabot's body slides across the floor until meeting with the wall. It seems to knock him out thanks to the considerable damage taken earlier. A bad sign for already weary troops in battle.

Maugus's gaze meets the eyes of Suki. She begins to feel the sweat come down her face as he looks into her mind. It was the first time in a long time that she had truly felt fear, but it was as if Maugus was interjecting that fear into her himself. A dark power. A shadowy feeling. Like he was grasping around her heart.

In front of the remaining half of the troops. He still hold to the same death stare that He gave Narabot.

"I. . . . . won't lose to you. . ." Suki said subconsciously as she looked into the heart of Maugus.

"Not possible." Was Maugus's reply. He looked upon the walkways of the higher levels to his throne room.

Down they came. The passages filling up with all of his minions. They were ready to destroy, anything that their darkened lord commanded. Some of them having served him for ages in the depths of this cavern. Battles beyond Suki's comprehension. To receive the orders of their king once again was something to be relished.. And guests this numerous?

Something to enjoy.

And with them, behold, a familiar figure.

That same caped lava guy that they saw earlier. The staff holder. He seemed just as dead as the rest of them with look into his eyes. Stroking his staff with his fingers in as dry a way as ever. He spoke, adding to the flavor of this flaming battle between black and red.

"You needed me?" He asked looking down below.

"Kill them now." Maugus stated. He wasn't interested in a conversation.

Suki's mind began to take fear as an open route. The numerous enemy had already began pouring down below jumping down upon their hapless rivals and showing them no grace in incineration. But she remembered her allies were strong. And Jake. The forwardmen had already gotten up and were taking the motions at the greatest whom they may field.

"More did you say?" The strange caped one said as he lifted his staff upright. More soldiers under his command came from the upper areas and poured in. Many of them waited for their allies below to be defeated before they jumped down to fill their place, lest the room become to full to move in.

"SOL CONTROL!" A yell came from Maugus which surprised our white hedgehog as he blasted forward towards Suki and her group. Suki, reacting to the assault made a jump in perfect time. Maugus had jetted forward 15 feet from that move with leading fist and hit Suki's squadmates like a bowling ball to a group of pins. But not striking them all down. 4 gizoids had also managed to jump out of the way. Maugus appeared displeased.

Suki had heard of Sol Control before, but only certain people could control it, and even then they usually needed a Sol Emerald. . .

Unless. . .

Maugus somehow didn't need one.

"I can beat you." Suki thought. "I just need to learn your moves."

She knew his weakness.

It was a lack of range- something that she didn't lack at all.

If she could just grab him. . .

"If you insist!" Maugus stated as he charged her. Suki had forgotten that Maugus and her were somehow connected. Though the ability for her mind to be read seemed a bit far. Still, no telling what he could do.

"You have NO CHANCE!" His blade came slicing down, Suki was barely back far enough to avoid it. She grabbed him with her psychokinesis, and threw him into the wall. Maugus probably being aware that she had this move, but it made her feel good to fool such a powerful foe like that. Giving her allies hope.


That they could succeed.

Barely an "oof" comes out of Maugus as he bounces off the wall. He qets up rather quickly and makes two large punches with his arms, stretching thanks to their lava-y quality. Such a technique is follow by a leap and slam into the ground. Suki dodges the punches, but not the slam. The shockwave knocks her back, but she recovers quickly and manages to come at him again.

"Try this!" She says as she launches two psychokinetic blades at her opponent. He draws his sword and "breaks" them with easy swipes, causing them to disappear. He then charges but his move is matched as Suki attempts to use the homing attack, a favorite staple of her kind. She overshoots when Maugus ducks, who then again proceeds to go through the motions and stabs at Suki. She moves her body quickly to the right, as several more swings come upon her, but it is a single back flip that puts her out of his deadly reach.


"You can't back up forever." He says placing his sword in front of him, pointing it at the white hedgehog.

Maugus leaps toward her, both arms come up above his head, and a downward slash would mark a great experience with opening her mind.

Suki's mind thinks in a way that does not use words, but it processes an effort, an effort that is at least worth trying as Maugus comes down faster than she can move beyond the point or slashing.


Maugus's sword collided with A blade that Suki spawned right into her hand.

Maugus says nothing. He presses harder. Suki presses back. Closer and closer Maugus's sword comes toward Suki's head.

The energy came pouring out or her blade as she tried to keep it intact. It wasn't ideal, at all, and She kept draining her psychokinesis energy to reform it as it deformed from Maugus's grinding.

"You. . . . . don't!" She started to say.

"I will!" Maugus said.

"Oh help me no. . ." Suki thought to herself. But what Suki could not see, was rushing to assistance from behind. For her allies had taken notice and were ready to step in, coming quickly, and attacking Maugus from behind.

"Nooooooowwwww!" He said in a deep, mature voice as he pressed his hardest- and jumped back.

Maugus jumped up to the higher walkways, striking his fist into the wall and hoisting himself up in a leap before passing through a door and leaving the room of battle.

"Huaaaaaaaaa!" yelled a familiar tone from the upper levels as his bowan struck down an important enemy from earlier.

Suki looked up. It was Jake. He had struck down August with his blade. Immediately leaning over to help up one of his captains. Ankle.

"Jake!" Suki yelled finally seeing where he went off too. "Maugus has left. And Where were you!?" She was almost upset that he had disappeared when she had fought back perhaps the most powerful foe they had met. Suki was a support unit technically, and not equipped to deal with this stuff herself. Although she noted how she seemed to be better than other support units like her. Was her equipment better or something?

"What?" Jake yelled looking down. "You wanted me to help you?!"

"Yeah!" Suki yelled back. "Did you EXPECT me to beat him on my own!?"

"No! But expected your squadmates to pitch in!" He informed. "I was tied up with some other offenders, then Ankle got in a pinch!" He informed the younger girl of his endeavors. Suki thought about it briefly and realized what had happened.

"Allright!" Suki exclaimed. "We can do this!" She added gleefully. Having reanalyzed the situation, she was ready for her next offensive move.

"Narabot, ready?" She asked.

Suki Looked around.

"Narabot?" She asked. "Where are you?!" It appeared that Narabot had gotten up from his resting place. She swore that she saw him fighting a lava echidna just moments earlier. Suki didn't know, but Narabot had flown up to where Maugus leaped up and followed him outside. Maugus had already left the room. But Narabot gave chase. Outside was located a large underground cavern that opened up for almost miles around. There, Narabot spotted his foe.

"I will defeat you." The robot stated plainly to his taller enemy. Narabot was unwilling to let anyone deemed powerful enough get away with merely tossing him aside. He had something of an ego. And wouldn't let it go unsatisfied.

"No." Maugus replied as he majestically turned around. The lavy background complimenting his stature- and nature.

"You won't!" He spoke once again before ringing in the battle that would pit him against the greatest of electronic creations by the Latise.

"I am ready for you this time." Narabot dashed his enemy and threw his fist. Maugus remained unstuck, and swung his sword, it clashed with Narabot's arm, But Narabot was projecting his arm shield blades- they didn't reach far at all, and weren't for attacking, just defense, as they only ran the back of his arm, and in this case, they were exceptionally useful. Narabot took advantage of this surprise, and grabbed Maugus's arm. He kicked Maugus in the gut and tossed him on the ground.

Maugus got up made a punch toward his opponent, which Narabot jumped over. Narabot landed in front of him with a downward punch, which failed to hit it's target. But Maugus was ready- and pulling his arms back he unleashed his darkened blade. The blade came down, but it missed Narabot's arm guard. Slicing his arm at the joint, and causing it to fall loosely. As of such, Narabot's right arm became useless and just simply hung there, swaying whichever way it would, jerking in the motions. Another swing, and Narabot backed off. Even with a jump. He began shooting from his left hand at Maugus, but, as he expected, Maugus easily dodged the shots by jumping over them.

"Do you fear me?" Maugus asked menacingly as he came closer and closer.

"No. . . . . !"

"Well. . . you. . . "

Maugus made one more leap for Narabot, and distance between them came to a close.

". . . should." He said in his deep voice with only a hint of expression.

He swung only once, which missed. His second attack was a stab. It pictured right Through Narabot, causing him to jolt and jitter. Sputtering around he began shaking. Defeated, he fell on the ground. "I. . . noooooo. . . " died the words as they came from his mouth.

"Narabot!" came a worried female's voice from behind.

She could hardly take in what she saw. The corpse of his robot body lying on the ground.




By a sword.

The color black dashed just over head. From his hand came a bowan, hitting Maugus and coming back to the place of release. Jake landed nearby his enemy and swung for a clash. Anger and determination was the expression on Jake's face. He continued to keep up the assault. Driving slashes at his opponent. But Maugus was a master of defense. Blocking each swing with his superior, enchanted, blade of black.

A sword.

"Stay out of this Suki!" Jake commanded. He finally backflipped to put some distance between the two. Maugus jumped after him, coming down in front of the black hawk and pulling back his arm, he unleashed a series of sword swings. Jake manged to block all of them, yet Maugus found his mark with the swing of his stretching arm. Knocking Jake back into a rock. Maugus jumped back and stanced himself to face both Suki and Jake.

Jake forced himself up. He pulled out the white ring from behind him. It felt refreshing as he held it in his hand, like an icicle to a wound. He wasn't doing to well. Tired from previous battles, even bearing a black eye. But not anymore.

Jake squeezed the ring, white beams shot out from his hands and "snow" sprinkling all around his body. In an icy galore, he immediately felt rejuvenated. It was a wonderful sensation in great contrast to this death pit that he had been fighting in for what seemed forever. The blackness around his eye slowly faded away, and a determined look spread across his face.

"Now I'm coming for you." He said in resolution.

Maugus angled his head down. His yellow eyes glowing and his breath in silence, and Suki began to feel the pressure.

"Come" He breathed out in heavy response.

Jake charged Maugus, running straight for him. Maugus pulled back his sword and made a sudden dash.

"Sol Con-TROL" He bellowed, suddenly appearing right in front of Jake. A warping sword slash and his fist growing in enormous size with fire like lightning emitting all around. Smacking him back into the rock again, Jake didn't move. His suite was toasted, and his feathers burnt.

Suki made a small gasp. . . but she cut it short. . .

For Maugus. . . had turned toward her

This was unlike anyone she had ever faced. A seasoned warrior who had cut down their ranks with ease and who wielded some sort of power like Chaos Control. Apparently driven from the Sol Emeralds, and now, she was all who was left.

She couldn't just. . . die!

In some sort of fearful effort, she fired two psychokinetic blades, much easier than trying to grab him. Maugus leaped, landing right in front of her, his arms making a stabbing motion with his sword. Suki jumped and shot over him, twisting back around and getting ready to grab the red beast. Maugus also leaped and came down at her with his weapon. The first swing missing- and similarly for the second.

Suki began looking for ammo as she backed up. Paleness embodied her face as she realized just who she was fighting. Having finally found three lose rocks, she tossed them at him, they at least caused him to back up. But Maugus moved toward her once again. He jumped toward her in a two stop motion. Suki finally felt like she had the timing down to grab him, as he landed his second leap, she did the motions.

But they didn't work.

Out of psychokinesis.

In a panic, she pulled the ice ring out of her back pocket and Maugus got closer and closer, leaping before the final closing in.

The ring burst into refreshing energies that filled her power to the brim. Fearfully she walked backwards, trying to connect the psychokinesis in her mind to her gloves, despite the lack of concentration as fear trembled down her legs. Maugus landed right in front of her, his hand behind his body- coming forward with that blade. . .



The blade pierced . . . through the other side. . and Suki. . . found her face 2 inches within his.

The yellow eyes burned into her own as she would begin to lose consciousness.

"Such will be the fate. . . of all those who serve a demon." He informed emotionlessly.

"A. . . demon?" She thought to herself?

*Twiiiiissssstttt* Maugus twisted the sword inside of Suki, but no pain entered her body. She knew that people would not feel pain till much longer and after the fact in situations like this, but now it was just delirious what was happening.

She started to fade away.

But the twisting motion made her eyes pop wide open.

Something was wrong.

The sword was twisting, but as it did, she felt it up against the outside of her skin.

It wasn't in her, it never was in her. The sword had punctured the far left side of her suite, slide across the surface of her skin and came out the other side of her uniform.

Quickly, she grabbed both Maugus, and his blade with her psychokinesis as separate objects, and pulled the sword out of her suite. Bringing it up in the air as high as she could bring herself to take it, she forced it down, picking up speed as it fell under her control. And Maugus, she placed in a leaned back position, hovering in the air just above the ground.

"AAAUUUUUUUHHHH" She yelled as the sword fell like a comet, and struck the heart of it's destination.

*spatch* Was the single sound. As Maugus looked up into the ceiling. He became engulfed with shock.

It was over.

A single word emitted from his breath as he continued onward in his misgivings. A finally exhert before he completely dissolved into nothing like a liquid soup spilt upon the ground. Being swallowed by the eath and never to be rebuked in the same form again.

"Uh. . . . . . . "

Suki panted and started breathing heavily.

Her knees gave in, and her hands fell on top of them, keeping her stable after this winded battle of fear and incension.

Finally, her knees hit the ground. Her face continued to look at the place where Maugus had evaporated. Heavy sighs continuing to emit from her chest before she finally let it all out in one big sigh.

The dream crown piece lay in front of her feet, still tied to the necklace of Maugus the great. Suki leaned forward and scooped it up into her hands.

All that violence. . . for this.

A single point to be added to the parts that they had collected, and for a cause that even Jake didn't know the full extensions of.

She closed her eyes and her hair began moving as she thought she could hear the wind whispering in her ear. But it was like talking from another realm, talking that you understand is talking, but you don't know what they are actually saying.

The presence left her and her hair quite moving about. She opened her eyes and returned to the outside world once again, mind fully alert and pondering these things.

The extravagance for a single, minglistic piece of silver.

"The injured!" She though to herself as urgency came to her mind. Jake- and Narabot!

"Jake!" Suki piped up as she came to his aid, up against the rock. "Are you okay?!"

"Huh?" He moaned. He didn't sound good. ..


"Uhhh. . . ." Jake hesitated for a moment.

"I just think. . ." He began. his voice was mumbling. Suki hoped that this wasn't the end. Please don't let it be the end.

"yeah?" Suki asked in concern as Jake started to catch his breath.

"I think. . . " He started again. ". . . . I've had enough for one day." He collapsed, and lost consciousness, his head resting in Suki's arms. This last comment made Suki kindof smile to herself.

It was just something like Jake would say.

Narabot on the other hand would require. . . a lot more assistance.

Even so, it was time to get home, and besides, Suki wasn't worried about Narabot much, he had plenty of spare parts available. But in the end, it was time to go home, and celebrate. Keep on that smiling face just keep going. That's what mami always said. Even when the hard times came.

She couldn't let the trauma get to her.

It was time to move on.

The Suki Saga, Chapter 2! Maugus makes his introduction on the scene, and in this special edition release, I retconned a few elements which were made null in the new, better story rewrite!

When I started this fanfic. . . I have a confession. It really was meant to go in a totally different direction I ended up taking it in! I wrote an outline over the course of 6 weeks and threw it all away  when a much bette opportunity presented itself. XD So now, the outline is in my head, and I let the story write itself. (Somewhat.) It's soooo good, and I wish I had done it this way from the beggining.

If you have any questions, as there is a lot, lot, LOT of technical notes, then ask away. I'm always happy to give answers. After all, who doesn't like attention. XD


2. I forgot.
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